Planning a 4+ Sided Exposure

By now you have probably decided on a mesh-type & color and either tracking or Velcro® top attachment. Now you will choose a path and select a panel configuration to size individual panels for sealing to surfaces and positioning magnetic doorways.

At this point, we recommend:

1) Full Example Planning Session

We have created full example planning session videos to show you how to plan an entire project! This begins with your panel configuration and goes through guidelines for ordering the hardware you need to put it all together. Choose the video with a tracking or Velcro® top attachment to get off to a fast start.
Planning Overview Session Thumbnail 1
Tracking Planning Session
Velcro® Planning Session

2) Determine a Path

There is a subtle difference in the path curtains will take depending on what type of columns or you have. There are two types of paths to take, an inside hang (inside your columns), or an outside hang (outside your columns).

We group columns into two categories – regular columns and irregular columns. The path you take depends on the “shape” of the columns that you have.

If you have regular columns and can seal to a perfectly straight edge, we want to take advantage of that opportunity to maximize space and performance of your curtains. You can pass intermediate columns but it is best to terminate panels at CORNER regular columns.

If you have irregularly shaped columns, we will need to plan such that we never have to directly seal to a non-linear edge so panels do not terminate at CORNER irregular columns.

Regular or Irregular Columns

regular column has a straight edge that makes for a good sealing surface with marine snaps. We recommend an outside hang ending panels at corner columns.

Irregular columns do not have this straight edge to snap to, so panels will straddle irregular corner columns with our elastic cord to “pinch” the center of the straddling panel to an irregular corner column.

Regular Columns
Irregular Columns

3) Click 1 of 4 Options For Panel Configuration Guidelines

Now choose a configuration based on your column type for details specific to your application.