Caring for MC Panels

Avoid Damage

  • Avoid sharp objects that can poke into fabrics
  • Avoid anything hot enough to melt panels (barbecues, cigars, heaters)
  • If you use a lawn service, warn them that a gas blower will melt a hole and a weed eater will cut a hole.

Cleaning & Storage

  • Rinse well with a hose mid season and at the end of the season. A soak in the bath tub with a LITTLE soapy water and drip dry will extend life by removing the street crud that degrades fabric over time. Or… at least rinse with a hose while in place.
  • We strongly recommend removing panels during the winter season to extend life.
  • Squirrels love to nest in curtains still hung during the winter (just above where they are tied back).
  • When removing panels for storage, remove fiberglass rods and store in clean dry place.
  • Rodents love to nest in fabrics and will chew holes so make sure panels are in secure storage.

Caring For Your Curtains

Follow these simple guidelines to keep your curtains in great shape for years to come!