Submit photos to our team!

We have shipped over 84,206 custom orders to people all over the world! We are happy to help you plan your project. Please appreciate that efficiency enables us to keep prices down. Clients who submit proper photos get first priority!


Once your photos are submitted using the form below, we will contact you for a planning session where we draw on your photos as you watch and answer all of your questions.

Planner Image 1920

Planning Session Process (1:20)

Photo Guidelines

  • Please provide just 2-4 high resolution photos that show as much as possible in each frame
  • Step BACK and zoom OUT so we can see as much as possible. No close-ups.
  • Large file sizes – Small images are impossible to use for planning sessions. (Each photo at least 500kb)

These Are Good Photos

Why? Because we can see all fastening surfaces of the entire project in each high resolution photo.

These Are Bad Photos

Why? Because they are too close up we can’t see ALL fastening surfaces and corner transitions.

Complete the form below and one of our planners will be in touch with you shortly!

– No info sharing, No spam!

The Planning Team

Aaron Gorecki
Kurt Jordan
Matt Rier
Heather Evans
John Hubay
Iryna Mardanova
Patrick Jordan

Need help before submitting photos?

We are here to help. Give us a call and one of our planners will gladly assist you.